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Vitamin Cs and successful aging

when I look around, I see the spirit and attitude playing roles in translating the concept of being old in reality . I know some people who are 75- year-olds who act like they are 35. I know some young people who are 40-years-olds and act like they are 80. I am affirming the attitudinal and spiritual sources of that which separates those who are aging from those who are not.
Jack A. Mckon, nicknamed “Trader Jack” is an American former Major League Baseball manager and front-office Executive, in 2003, at age 72, he won a World Series as manager of the Florid Marlins.
The concept of anti-aging is described in Ayurveda as RASAYANA, which aims at maintaining excellent physical and mental health in mature age through a combination of nourishing diet, wholesome activities, and gentle herbs. The word Rasayana means clearing the channels for the natural flow of matter and energy. Vitamin C has a role against aging.
In observing the forever young, forever passionate and forever engaged, I have come across five internal focuses and patterns that constitute what I refer to as the attitude instrument- that which steers our lives safely through the existential seas day by day of fulfilled and pleasurable living. These focuses are Vitamin Cs of successful aging. They are

  • Connectivity – Vitamin C1
  • Challenge – Vitamin C2
  • Curiosity – Vitamin C3
  • Creativity – Vitamin C4
  • Charity – Vitamin C5

Vitamin C1 – Connectivity
A study conducted at University of Michigan found that in retirement, psychological well-being increases for some individuals and decreases for others. The researchers annualized variables of physical health, income level, traumatic life experiences in recent years, age, gender and other factors that might affect the psychological well-being of an individual. They found that the most powerful predictor of life satisfaction right after retirement were not health or wealth but the breadth of a person’s social network.

Vitamin C2 – Challenge
The latest Alzheimer research demonstrates that being intellectually challenged and having predictable taxation on our mental acuity literally have the affect of a finger in the dike, holding back the degenerative processes leading to both Alzheimer and Dementia.
The Alzheimer research also concluded that as we hit our 50s and beyond, there is an exigency on ensuring that we have riddles to ponder, problems to solve and things to fix.
Our brain is a muscle that atrophic without use. One gentleman told that after six months of his retirement, he could literally sense the dulling in his cerebral muscle with signs of slowed thinking and sluggish articulation.

Vitamin C3 – Curiosity
On a recent plane ride, I flew next to a physicist from an University. In his late 70s, he is still teaching and researching. I asked the gentleman why he was not retired, as was expected of a man his age. His answer was “ there are so much yet to learn,” he enthusiastically began describing his latest upper atmospheric research project. When I saw the sparkle in his eyes as he spoke . I realized how good it would be if more seniors had their heads in the clouds of higher learning.
Curiosity guarantees a pulse in the brain and a reason to keep our bodies healthy. Once a person reaches a point where they no longer want to learn or grow, it is time to order the tomb-stone.
Rigorous mental functions helps both to facilitate productivity in later years and to strengthen our need and desire to be active factors that in turn affect our physical well-being.

Vitamin C4 – Creativity
I have long being enthralled by elderly people in their 70s and 80s who seem as keen and perspicacious as people half their age.
A creative soul looks at the shoreline and sees something new every day. This might help explain why Peter Drucker was able to write a business best seller in his 90s. Of course, we don’t have to be renowned to be creative and to keep the powers of observation working. We just have to be curious, intrigued, expressive and intentional.

Vitamin C5 – Charity
Different studies continue to surface around the alternative effects of charitable living on quality and longevity of life. Those who think about helping others often talk about how such charitable pre-occupations lessen the degenerative effects of stress associated with worrying .
Thus while doing a plan for successful aging period, if we take sufficient care on these 5 Vitamin Cs, we can lead a leading productive worry-free retirement life.

Nayan Bhowmick
Writer, Editor of “Life A-Promise”. Speaker
Recruiter of Insurance Advisers.
Senior Business Associates, LIC of India, Shillong